Problematika domácích kanceláří je v období epidemie koronaviru aktuální více, než kdykoli předtím. Dnes si totiž musí vytvářet pracovní prostředí i ti, kteří nikdy...
Bungalovy, plážové vily či pasivní rodinné domy už nejsou jen pro lidi. Spojení úspory, komfortu a moderního designu nově ocení i členové ptačí říše....
Jen málo věcí vám zaručí takovou prestiž, jako kvalitně ugrilovaný šťavnatý steak. Levné zahradní grily však mají zdroje tepla a povrchy nerovnoměrné, nespolehlivé a...
Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in.
An initial reveal of the...
Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in.
An initial reveal of the...
Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in.
An initial reveal of the...
Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in.
An initial reveal of the...
Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in.
An initial reveal of the...
Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in.
An initial reveal of the...