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Vyspělým ekonomikám se zatím daří vyhnout se pádu do recese

V rozvíjejících se ekonomikách se mnohé potraviny, jako maso či vejce, staly luxusem. Globální ekonomika i téměř rok od začátku ruské agrese stále snáší následky...

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Ceny plynu a elektřiny v EU poskočily o více než 1 %

Eurostat přichází s dalšími statistikami vyhodnocujícími údaje za rok 2019 iv květnu. Jen před pár dny zveřejnil čísla sledující průměrný růst cen energií pro...

Několik tipů od hypotečního poradce, které vám pomohou při výběru banky

Nevhodným výběrem hypotéky nebo a banky se snadno můžete chytit do pasti problémů, které později bude náročné napravovat. Necháte-li si však poradit, můžete na...

P&O Ferries to pay £36.5m in compensation to affected workers after sackings last week

Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in. An initial reveal of the...

The chancellor may bring in as he prepares another budget under emergency conditions

Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in. An initial reveal of the...

Dozing from home: how homeworkers have perfected the art of napping on the job this period

Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in. An initial reveal of the...

Food bank users declining potatoes as cooking costs too high, says Iceland boss for CN

Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in. An initial reveal of the...

LATEST UPDATE: Camelot fined more than £3.000 over series of National Lottery errors

Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in. An initial reveal of the...

Oil price retreat likely to be short-lived as demand will outstrip supply in ahead

Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in. An initial reveal of the...
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